The Union Podcast

The Union Podcast

The Union is about the intersection between people, technology, and artificial intelligence. Get ready to be inspired and challenged as we ask questions, uncover insights, and share inspiring stories about digital ecosystems and automation. Click on an episode to listen here or listen on your favorite podcast app.

AI Agents—What Lies Beneath

The Sticker Shock of OpenAI’s AI Agents OpenAI recently announced that its specialized AI agents could cost $2,000 to $20,000 per month.¹ For businesses eager to adopt AI, this triggers immediate sticker

Your TeenAGENTer

Why AI Agents Are Like Teenagers and What That Means for Your Business The AI world is buzzing about “agents”—autonomous digital helpers that promise to operate across systems, orchestrate complex tasks,

AI Agents—Security Asset or Hidden Risk?

AI agents become more integrated into enterprise operations, the conversation around data security and privacy is shifting. Enterprises are moving beyond basic concerns about large language models (LLMs) and data

Chasing Agents

The market is exploding with AI-powered automation tools and bots, known as “AI agents.” These agents streamline business tasks and reduce manual effort. However, the overwhelming volume of options—hundreds of

You Don’t Need to Know Your Future

You just have to be on the path to it. A year ago, we were marveling at AI’s potential. Today, we’re living it. The rapid pace of change has turned

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