DevSecOps from the Palm of Your Hand – On a Weekend

September 7, 2021 11:00 am
In this session, you’ll learn how Krista and Chef give you and your team the power to orchestrate remediation processes from the palm of your hand and keep your environments compliant from any mobile device.

On Demand

About the Presentation

Modern DevSecOps is an everyday, all-day process intended to keep mission-critical infrastructure and apps running and secure. When compliance alerts occur, they need to be prioritized and sent to people and systems for quick action. In this session, you’ll learn how Krista and Chef give you and your team the power to orchestrate remediation processes from the palm of your hand and keep your environments compliant from any mobile device.

When a sunny weekend is interrupted by a high-severity system alert from Chef to ServiceNow, who monitors e-mails and reacts? With Krista, the answer is anyone with a smartphone.

This session will demonstrate how Krista can orchestrate an alert from ServiceNow, prioritize and notifies operations on a mobile device, set SLA timers for escalations, allow Chef to be kick off remediation, notify managers for out–of-band update approvals, and learn from your human workflows. Not only does Krista orchestrate people and different technologies via NLU and conversation, but she also remembers and learns via the Ask Krista AI. Krista trains ML models based on human actions to suggest automatic remediation in Chef. Krista learns to recognize common fixes and, when you’re confident she has it right, you can have her take action – and leave you free to enjoy worry-free weekends.


Chris Kraus

Product Manager @Krista Software

John Tonello

Technical Marketing Manager @Progress

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