How to Avoid the Low-Code ‘Hole’

Low-code platforms offer a simpler, more stakeholder-focused approach to building applications. They allow low-code application platform (LCAP) developers to hand-code when required. However, it isn’t necessarily an improvement.

Adding even a few lines of code to a low-code application can cause all manner of problems – a situation we call the low-code ‘hole.’


  • Three primary reasons why a low code developer hand codes
  • How to avoid the low-code ‘hole’
  • A conversational integration approach to building automations
Jason Bloomberg

Jason Bloomberg


About the Author

Jason Bloomberg is a leading IT industry analyst, author, keynote speaker, and globally recognized expert on multiple disruptive trends in enterprise technology and digital transformation. Mr. Bloomberg is the author or coauthor of five books, including Low-Code for Dummies, published in October 2019.
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